Saturday, July 2, 2011

Busy Submitting

I have stayed busy writing. I have submitted a children's story to Scholastic Magazine! I am excited to test the waters with my writing. I have also submitted an article to Mothering Magazine. And my last one I am most proud of...I sumbitted a bill to my Senator on Civil Right. This was a big one for me and we will see what happens. It has to do with victims of sexual harassment and their rights as victims. It's to bad what is common sense to us is only followed by the corporate world if it is law. And the sad thing is that victims can not hold them responsible because they are technically following the law (even though they are continuing to vitimize the victim through the process.)
I am also trying to sell my house and have created business cards with a QR code. I love QR codes. You can creat your own QR code at

Here is my QR code and you can read my story about vain efforts to sell my house.

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