Saturday, July 14, 2012

South West Writers Contest

I am overly excited about an email I received yesterday.

I am in the top 20 in the Picture Book category in the SWW Storyteller contest!
Here is a copy of the email:


Your entry was sent onto the acquiring judge to compete with the top twenty in the category #10 Children's Fiction or Nonfiction Picture Book. Here the top three will be selected.

The first place winner will go on to compete with all the first place winners from all twelve categories for the StoryTeller award. The StoryTeller award comes with a cash prize of $1,500.00 and the opportunity to be acquired for publication.

Good luck,
Cynthia Boyd
Contest Chairman 2012


  1. Congratulation woman! Great news, hope to see you soon. When do the rest of us get to read your entry?
