Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I just moved and the first thing I do is check out the library. That says a lot about a town. And...this one gets a 10. So far so good. Salt Lake County has 20 other libraries to pull from, programs, large selection, and great set up. I could walk around the library all day and I look at whatever catches my eye. I am currently listening to Stephen Kings, "The Wind Through the Key Hole" A Dark Tower Novel. Stephen King's -The Dark Tower WebsiteSo I wandered to the audio books and found a couple of local authors that inspired me.
1. Kelli Swofford Nielsen   Kelli's page
She wrote "Journey to the Fringe". She inspires me because this is her debut novel! and she got a degree in English. I got a degree in English and did not think about what I would do with it, I just liked the classes in literature and kept taking them. Now that I am done, I really can't do anything with it because I do not have a teaching degree. So I do what I love. Write.

2. Cat Patrick   Cat's page
I like biographies that tell more about a person than just the usual...we live here, I have two ferrel cats....
I want to hear about the time you decided to write. The time you decided to send in a query. The time that you found out they wanted your manuscript. She does this and I like it. She is a stay at home mom and celebrated the exciting news with her twin children. She wrote, "Forgotten" and has a 3 or 4 book deal! The rights to her book were already exciting!

I am at the library right now because I have no internet at home, yet! I have to go but can't wait to get back to writing! I have been storing up all my idea's in my head and scratch paper in the car from our trip out here to UTAH!

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