Monday, December 3, 2012

Why Be a Writer?

Why I write:

1.) love challenges
2.) found out I loved to read books
3.) Actually learned the English Rules from Shirley English (yea, the kids curriculum. She sings songs too.."A verb shows action there's no doubt, like sing and shout...")

I never, ever, thought I would have the desire to write. I went to college and my first writing class I barely got a C.( I was 16 years old by the way, and hated high school, that is another story). My teacher never liked anything I wrote. Of course I thought it was great! I remember one time I went to class without my English book and the teacher told me to leave the class until I got my book. I hadn't purchased it because I didn't have the money yet, and I was trying not to use my credit card. Well, I left class and decided to use my credit card and went right back to class. She didn't have anything to say when I walked in with my book and maybe that is why I got a C in the class.

I don't remember every reading a great book in school. I don't remember reading much at all. When I started reading with my kids I was opened up to a whole new world. The first chapter book I read with my son was "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." I loved it! I started reading picture book to chapter books, and then I actually read my first adult novel. I found that I prefer the Young Adult genre. I love children's books! I started back to college in 2000 and didn't know what I wanted to do. I just kept taking classes and then I took a Children's Literature course. I loved it. I kept the book. "Through the Eyes of a Child." Then I just kept taking whatever Literature courses I could find...Jane Austin (never heard of her before that. I know sad.) American Literature, African Literature. I succumbed to the love of words on paper.

I think that I like challenges in life. If someone tells me I can't do it, then I try harder. I starting liking English when I started teaching my kids English. Now I understood a run on sentence, a prepositional phrase, and why we don't say double negative with the wrong pronoun, "He don't know nobody." (not that I use to write like that, but I am one of those that has to be told something more than, just because.)

Although, this time I had nothing but support from my hubby. He always told me I could do it.

I printed it all out! 99 pages! Single space. I am so exciting. I have started the editing phase after letting it rest for a week. I tried to let it rest two weeks,  but I am short on time. I want to be done before Christmas. I want to read it to my kids. I don't know how people can write a chapter at a time and let people read it because there are so many changes. Maybe I am just a really bad writer? I find it so fun to put all the connections together and add new concepts.

After that it is off to the agents! I need a list. I know the the new book with agents is out. I don't know if I will go off my list or get the book? I still wished I had the moula to make it to NY for the SCBWI Conference. But that will not be happening. That's okay. Until the next post, which may not be until February, wish me luck. If you never hear from me...I was horribly rejected and started a new project. If I muster up enough pride to come back on I will let you know. I just can 't stop writing because I like it too much!

By the way, I was always voted best improved in what ever I tried to do. Speech class, writing class. So, I wish I could just start out the best, but that is the fun of adventures, getting better. It would be boring if I was great to start out with, right? Okay, that is what I tell myself.

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