Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ignorant Arizona Professor at ASU

Case and point: My nephew just went to the inaugration. This is his facebook post today:

"So my professor made a statement that offended me and of course the Apache in me called her out on it.... in front of the entire class.
Your tribe can pay for the inauguration and phone, but not your books?'
First of all; I don't come from a tribe that gives handouts. Second, my tribe did not contribute to my trip. Finally, I pay for my phone"

I am amazed at how many people think that Natives get handed everything. Did she really think the tribe paid for his cell phone. She thought they should be paying for his books. Was she trying to say the tribe distributes it money incorrectly? And she could do it better?

I can't tell you how many times people say to me, "your kids are Native American...well they'll get a free ride."
It isn't like that. Natives still have to try. Get the grades and apply for scholarships just like the other minorities. Boy, that is an oxymoron, Native american and minority.

Infact, my daughter just told me that her teacher at the middle school in Utah said: "your Native, then you get all kinds of money."

blahahah...Where do these retarts get thier information. I have heard of a tribe in CA that gets a montly check. The facts are, it depends on the tribe. I can only speak for the White Mountain Apache and they DO NOT get a monthly check.

Here is another point along the lines of ignoramous people. Tucson AZ took thier Mexican-American studies away saying it was teaching race in the classrooms. Kids need to see themselves in thier studies, if they don't they won't pay attention.
click here for the CNN Story

Is Arizona Racist?

Like Sen. Helms, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) also voted against a King holiday. And while U.S. Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.) had opposed creation of the holiday in 1979, by 1983 he’d changed his mind.

Race problems are not as bad, just quietly justified?

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