Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Still Writing...

So, here is a sad update. I didn't win the Southwest Writers Contest. But, I was still with the top 20! I am still floating about that. If I had won, I probably would have been very distracted from my move to Utah. And the extra $1500 dollars, pish...who needs that.

I have been very busy and have not been able to write very much lately. But I have been reading some great books. Windswept Dawn, the author, William Heinesen, turned down a Nobel Prize! The other auther is Jorn Riel. I am not sure how to get the fancy "o" with the line through it. Also, not sure how to pronounce a lot of what I read? But, his book was for grade school readers. It was great! I love children's books. I think that is because I did not read very much as a kid. Yeah, Yeah, I hear writers always bragging about how they couldn't stop reading. I am not sure why I didn't read. Maybe, nothing interested me, maybe my mother never read to me (love you mom), maybe...books just weren't good in the 80's. High possibility. The Harry Potter generation was lucky to have J.K Rowling.

Ok, back to Jorn Riel

I found him from watching my Inuit movies. He wrote "Before Tomorrow" and it was the last of the three films I watched. This was my favorite film. I watched an interview with him and he talked about how he got his idea for the book. He went to visit Greenland and while with a hunter he came across the cave with the remains of a Grandmother and young boy. I love this stuff. This is the stuff that gets my mind going. I hear something and have to know the whole story with it. I am not just satisfied knowing that the old lady is bitter and stays in her house all day. I've got to know how and why she ended up that way. Or, how the bones got to the cave. Mysteries and why people do the things they do intrigue me
His book, "The Shipwreck" was great information about the Inuit. He is a wealth of information. I would love to be able to go to Greenland, or Northern Canada. Not going to happen. Unless I get a grant because of my love of writing this book. But, I don't see that happening.

My book is all up here

and if I can just finish this move, I will have the time to get it out onto paper. I am looking forward to that. In the mean time, I am reading "The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki". There is a lot to study for the Vikings. One of my many characters for my book. Along with the Inut woman and Foster boy from Liberia. 

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