Monday, February 21, 2022

Authenticy is something that is most important to children and teens. They seem to know if we are listening and truly care. When we build these relationships with your children they learn to build these relationships with others. Isn't that all we really want from others in the world. If you are at the doctor, you want to be heard. If you are at a store, you want to be heard. And if you are at school or work you want to be heard. How do you feel when people do not listen? Kids are pouring out their soul to us when they talk and it is always from the heart. Listen Mindfully. It takes effort. But it will make a difference. What if you do not have time to listen at the moment. You are better off telling that person that you are busy but you want to listen. You decide if what you need to do at that moment is more important than listening. Some things can wait but the older you get the more you will appreicate people that let you know they are busy versus pretending to listen.

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