It may look like the children are just hopping, dancing, singing, coloring and laughing together, but studies have shown that structured play can hone a child’s language, math and social skills. Conventional Preschool generally follows an evidence-based curriculum that line up with the core standards of learning at the kindergarten level.
Teachers are pressured to meet District expectations. They are busy taking data (which takes valuable time away from interacting with the children.) Conventional Preschool Teachers are generally not certified teachers. They are not expected to have skills for mindfulness.
And some schools are so desparate for help they will lower their expectations when it comes to who works with children. There is more to 3-5 year olds than ABC's and 123's. Social and Emotional skills need to be priority at this age. And children require more 1:1 help at this age than any other age. They always have something to add to the conversaton, but in conventional preschool they have to be quiet when the teacher is teaching because there are over 12 children.
This is me in my conventional preschool classroom with my daughter. She enjoys the preschool room still today. Teachers do a great job helping classrooms feel like home, and many home-based preschools are in basements in Utah. In a basement? No sunlight? When I was teaching I was moved to a classroom without windows. This is when I decided to make the bold move and quit the school district job. No windows fro preschoolers, especially the kids who love outdoor play was like losing valuable learning possiblities and mental well-being. When we are stressed, seeing out the window can calm an adult or child. The etheral of the trees, and plants helps calm the soul. Swedish academics show that children do not need academic settings until age 7. Children do not start school in Sweden until age 7 and they are one of the top performing academia around the world. So embrace the home-based preschool program, toss the conventional programs out the window (if they have one) and see the benefits of The Hidden School, Mindful Prechool. At the Hidden School there is always something happening in our "Mr. Rogers" neighborhood ie. houses being built, trees being cut down, puppies, goats, decomposing apple, or a peregrine falcon crashing into the window while chasing a finch. Just look around where you are standing.You'll see, your missing whats happening right infront of your nose.
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