Wednesday, July 12, 2023

TIPs for Parents 101

Do we really want to change a child's behavior? Yes and No.

This is so true. They are smarter than we give them credit for.

Think of the old saying, if you make the "man" think it was his idea he 'll like it better. I think this goes for anyone. If you think you came up with the solution you WILL try harder. 

We often grab things from our children without realizing it. When they become older we may grab their phone when they do not give it when we say. Can you imagine how mad you'd be if someone grabbed your phone? Alway be polite. 

If you have to it once verbally and afterward non-verbally. They like the engagement. Every person does something because they get something out of it. This is psychology 101. So they enjoy the argument. Children are figuring out life. Don't give them the connection/ what they want. They WILL disengage the undesirable behavior once they realize you will NOT engage. 

Be patient!!


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