Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Healthy explosions

The Whole Brained Child by Daniel Siegel and Tina Bryson talks about strategies to help when we or our child forget to think/ or use their upstairs brain.  1. Pay attention to our body. Recognize distress in your child. Help them recognize it.  2. Engage the upstairs brain. Remember It isn't under construction until age 2 years.  3. This brain growth is different in everybody. Therefore strategies begin with distraction- controlled breathing.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0070TRH6O/ref=dp-kindle-redirect/143-4105038-6067135?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1 Daniel Siegel is all about brain integration. Using the upstairs brain and the downstairs brain. And his research is evidence based. Meaning it has scientific proof that it works or is true. Engaging the upstairs brain looks differently for many ages and people depending on thieir history. Taking into consideration their traumas, upbringing, situations, and brain development we have a very broad spectrum of expectations. Mindfulness says we should have zero expectations because expectation bring disappointment. All things considered this may be true for a new teacher or someone that doesn't know your child. However, as parents we know what our child is capable of and we would expect them to not show anger is certain ways. However, if they ever did regress...this would be a tell-tale, sign that something isn't right. All messages from the body are trying to tell the person or those around them something. They are expressing how they feel and if they hold in that feeling they may explode. Healthy explosions. Is there such a thing? In children these are called opportunities to teach. In adults, it is a learning opportunity. If we don't change we don't learn. If we don't learn we don't change.

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