Thursday, August 18, 2022

Name it to Tame it Dr. Daniel Siegel says, Name it to tame it. And this does work. I think I didn't even name irritated till I was 40. I now have a window of tolerance and when I feel irritated, I need to problem solve. Sounds ridiculous but it is true. And kids do this often. However, they do not know the word for it. Adult can help here. They also do not always have the problem-solving skills to fix the feelings. This is where support is welcome. Children are just starting verbalize solutions about age 2. They do problem solving before this ie. reaching for something and go in their tip toes, or get a stool. All of this is leading to executive functioning. When a child gets upset, they may bite, hit, spit, throw something. When we get cut off by a car we may speed up, slow down, curse, or use sign language to express our feelings. We can teach our kids how to problem solve. And eventually they will learn that they can't always fix the problem immediately.

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