Saturday, December 24, 2022

Choices, Patience, and Children

Have you ever noticed when you baby doesn't want to be held by someone. Do you force your baby to go to them? What if it is daddy and he wants mommy? Always used words to convey to your child it is okay to want or not want to be held by someone.
Sometimes mom needs dad to hold the baby or vice versa. At this time say...

"Go to ____________."

- However, sometimes your child wants to be held by you and no one else. Can you blame them? Give them a choice. "I see you want ______________."

And sometimes you have to suck up the feeling of needing a break and sometimes you child has to suck it up. Who has the most understanding of this tolerance level. THE PARENT! So Parents, I know you want a break but now is the time to show your child you will always be there for them. The more you resist, the more they will persist. Some children have more needs than others. And those children that may not need you at all- a child on the spectrum- you may need to interject into their play. They need parents to be persistent, but also give them a break. It is all about moderation on all things.

We all have our tolerane window, and pay attention to yours. Take your breaks not when you kid needs you. Take it when they are asleep, plan date nights, take care of yourself so you can be there for them. When you are on as the parent you need to be there 110%.

Kids have amazing intuition
as to if they feel safe and loved. Even kids in school with teachers, they know which teachers actually care. THey will learn better in the classrooms with loving teachers! studies show this!

So At home, love your child. Bite the feeling to sit without a child on your lap. Take a breath and have more patience than the child. If you need a break, tell them, "I am going________, I will be back." Don't leave them in a room alone. We are social beings. Put your child in the arms of someone and come back ready to start all over building that trust again. Children have more patience than adults!

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