Where is the playground at my preschool?
Why does Hidden School have sticks, wood, barrels, ladders, rocks and dirt for my kids to play with? It is open-minded toys for kids to use their imagination. They know how to play on playgrounds. Unfortunately, there is only one way to use a slide or swing. But with open-ended toys kids can build and make what ever they want. They use their problem solving skills and imagination.
I don't use playgrounds and do not care for forest schools because I want kids to learn how to play in their own backyards, or anywhere in nature! Pictured: a child built a dinosaur skeleton using wood scraps in the backyard. Do you ever feel like you don't understand your boy? At all the different stages they go through they say boys are easier. Here is a book for understanding boys that I read 20 years ago. It is an old book but is a classic as far as understanding what boys need.
It is broken down my ages/ years and has timeless information about their needs and desires. And there is NOT one for girls? But It is worth the read if you have boys. It was published in 1995. click here for the book
Calm down- DON'T SAY IT!
We can't bombard children with these words. Their brains are beginning to develop self regulation at age 2. Self Soothing is what an infant does. Self - regulate is when a child is upset and can be calmed downs with support. Even then it is a broad spectrum of what children can do. And a calm adult is there to regulate emotions. We still need to be there for them, hug them, be present for them. Data should show that they are improving with regulation. Gottman Institute: emotions age by age Sensory is important so hit the beach this summer. Play with Playdough. Give your baby a (clean) paint brush to chew on, (clean) make up brush, cucumbers, red peppers, celery or else they won't want it when they get bigger. Their taste buds are better than ours and they are more likely to taste various foods between the ages 4-7 months. Help Form their tastebuds! NPR
Remember in the past news letter I raved about the Upstart. The Department of Education is not happy with Waterford getting the 13.9 million dollar grant. They feel this could have been used in the classes and at expanding early childhood services. Instead they say Utah is keeping the funding for children that stay home with parents versus in child care. Tisk, Tisk, Tisk. click here for article
Emotional Learning curriculum for schools is beginning to get foothold in schools.
Embraced in 101 countries and 25 languages, Conscious Discipline’s foundation of safety, connection and problem-solving is leading a revolution of the heart as concepts initially applied in the classroom extend to every facet of our lives.
This is professional development tools for educators. This does not mean schools are using it. But it is a step closer to schools starting to pay attention to emotional learning for children of all ages.
I know that if teachers and administrators strove to be more present with children they children would feel heard, especially for all ages. There is a parent package for $700. LOL
But teaching emotional learning is not difficult and does not require all these tools. You do not need the puppet, books, dolls, stories. Let it come natural. Through play and natural consequences. to solve that problem consciously.
If you have any areas you want to problem solve regarding your child's behavior- I am here to help! Let me know and lets find a way to help the behavior and not just replace it with anew behavior.
White Pine trail is up Little Cottonwood canyon. It takes about 15 min to get there from Sandy Utah. It is a great little trail for little kids to walk across a bridge, see a river, and explore a trail. It is labeled a moderate trail but can be easily explored by little ones 50 ft in. You should not plan on making it to the lake with children. Check it out this summer to next week with your little one. Set aside time to explore nature. They will love it! call it an adventure dress appropriately go when they are fed, and rested set boundaries and stick to it (don't go off the trail, stay together) give them ideas of what they can do...throw rocks in river, find different leaves, rocks, listen for sounds of animals, jump off of rocks, pick up heavy rocks... kids will do what their little body needs but adults still have to teach them limits of what is dangerous or risky.Sign Up for the my summer program. It is once a week for 4 weeks. 2nd annual Summer Program Thursdays 8:30-11:30am. June 20- manners June 27- animals July 11- mud exploration July 18- water day Children age 3-8 years $135 for 4 weeks. Siblings are buy1/ get 1 free. Participation does not guarantee admission to preschool. An application for the preschool is separate. See website for details.
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